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Technical Audio Designer
The versatile audio oriented game-dev you've been looking for...
Audio Implementation | Sound Design | Music Composition | Spatialization
Foley | Dialogue Recording | Field Recording | Programming
Demo reel:
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VSTs: Vienna Symphonic Library, FabFilter, Serum, Synplant...​​
DAWs: Reaper, FL Studio, Nuendo​
Spatialisation: Dolby Atmos, Ambisonics, 5.1, Binaural​​
Programming Languages & Frameworks: C++ , C# , JUCE, PureData​​
Game engines: Unreal Engine, Unity​, Renpy
​Middleware: Wwise, FMOD​​
Not audio related: Maya, Photoshop, Houdini and Premiere Pro​​
Musical skills: Music Theory, Piano and Guitar
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